
Think of this as a running commentary of my life!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

There's Always a First

So today was a day of firsts

It's official...

today was the very first time, since I have started my course, that I have been frustrated at anything. I can make and bake cookies till the cows decide they friggin' wanna come home, but for the love of god! I could not decorate these cookies nicely!
They looked like utter shit!

Well some of them anyways. most of them went to the marketplace (which means they got the big stamp of approval from my chef), but some of them...
I groan aloud whenever I think of how terrible they looked.
The piping bags kept exploding, my chocolate kept getting lumpy, the coatings had air bubbles in them, and some only got half decorated!

My mother must be right (SSSssshhhh! Don't tell her!)
"Oh my god! You are too hard on yourself!" She says everyday that I tell her about my mistakes.
Still... I did not do 2 types out of 8 cookies! I had no time!
but it sucks, the other students had 4 instead of 3 days to do these damn cookies.
... I hate getting sick! it means I get a disadvantage!

I may have been so frustrated, my hands are again a lovely shade of bright (hideous) pink, and muscles I didn't even know I had in my hand are hurting like a bitch.

.... but oh my god! They were bloody delicious

and totally worth it ( <---Don't tell anyone it's a secret!)

oh oh oh and another first.

I watched almost all of the empire stikes back.
Yes yes I know Boo Hiss! for not watching it before today, and I'm pretty peeved at myself. But who cares...

Rawr... I'm a dinosaur! (waves arms around like T-Rex claws)
om nom nom, cookie good!

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