
Think of this as a running commentary of my life!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Whoo Hoo!

So last night, after work, I had a tasteful evening out with my friends. There might have been a few drinks, but the conversation was sophisticated, and full of philosophical meaning. It had wholesome entertainment, that sparkled and dazzled.

... or maybe it was just her G-String that sparkled.

and oh boy were the 7 inch platform heels hot!!! Aw man! If I wasn't happily attached to an attractive man, Girls like that would make me want to be a lesbian.
... Maybe he'd let me bring an attractive girl into our bed. Rawr!
oh god! no wonder my supervisor thinks I'm a lesbian!

I got posters for most of them and they even signed them and... ooh ooh ooh ooh!!

It says "I'm in love with a stripper!" and our group was the loudest so she was throwing out magnets and t-shirts! I caught the t-shirt! Whoo Hoo!

I've been meaning to buy a stripper pole to install in my house. Although I probably should wait to move out of my parent's basement. I'm not sure they'll really approve, oh and my future in-laws will really love me!
... It's good exercise I swear!
and my fiance says he condones this!

And then after the French Maid, we went the the Rat and Parrot! For some awesome Drunken Karaoke!!!

So all in all it was a FANTASTIC night! Sexy girls, booze, people making fools of themselves (me included), karaoke, and drunk friends!

We gonna do this again soon!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Anime Style

So here it is, the beginning if my destiny.

I may be young and inexperienced, but I have my mission. Today is the day, I sail into the sunrise of fate, claiming my stake in honor.

As the wind rolls through my stiff anime like hair, dyed an impossible blue color, I survey the little town below me from atop this mountain. It is a long steep way down.

I will catch them all

Gotta catch em all Pokemon!

Today, DOUCHE I will beat you!

Oh shit! the wind got my fugly ass barret, come back
[Trips over rock]
Ouch! Fuck!
[rolls down the mountain]


... Team Rocket is blasting off again!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Death to Small Torture Device

I fucking hate alarm clocks!

no I do not despise, I do know dislike... I fucking HATE them!!!

This morning, my fiance's alarm clock kept going on and on and on, he'd finally push the snooze button, and I get deja vu 5 minutes later.

... and he really didn't want to get out of bed.

So when he finally got out of bed, my alarm clock is set 45 minutes to an hour after my fiance's, it rang 5 minutes after he got out of bed

I was ready to throw my phone at the fucking wall and would not have been any happier unless it shattered to little metal peices everywhere.

if the phone would scream, I would have been a lot happier to hear it's pitiful cries for mercy!

oh boy... I think I've finally lost it!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brownie Vomit

Love Poem for my Mixer:

Oh mixer, oh mixer
oh how love you mixer.
the beauty whom i call
Your sparkling silver eyes
that with but a wink
will change the mixer setting
will you favor me
with smooth batter for
cookies cake delicious treats

your beautiful body
sleek and shiny
designed for speed or
for pleasing tenderness
why do you will
that your contents spill
all over me

do you despise me so?

as bountiful as your projectile vomit
is delicious
do you wish me away
oh mixer
oh stella

is our love a forbidden one?
oh stella


ps... for anyone who don't know me, that is a joke
i love my mixer but that is so wrong on so many levels.

but it's also true... that my mixer loves to throw up on me. recently it's been brownie batter and strawberry buttercream icing

so today I was a complete idiot (which is less than a stone's throw away from every other day). I believed I had 2 days 4 hours a piece to do 8 different types of cookies, baked and decorated and I hadn't fully completed any of them on the first day (most of them needed to be refrigerated overnight)
So there's half an hour left on the clock and I had only fully completed one and almost 2 others. I still have to melt chocolate and a pulled out a dough to cut and bake. My chef said the dough is too soft and needs to be put in the fridge, so i start to get frusterated.

not panicky like oh my god! I'm running out of time. More frusterated. like Fuck this shit! [throws spatula] fuck the chocolate that keeps petrifying! fuck the cookies that are still too warm. Fuck! i have over 5 dozen cookies to decorate!!

All the while everyone around me hasn't even finished baking all their cookies!

Turns out I have 3 days! 4 more hours to decorate everything. It'll take way less than that to finish!

so I got frustrated for absolutely nothing!

Rawr! She-Hulk Angry!

ok not really.. more exhausted then anything

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Someone's Bottom is Very Red

so my hands are bright pink!

... it's not from spanking my sex slave, although he's been a naughty very naughty boy
and it's not blood from my sworn enemies (that's monday nights)
and I sure haven't been fingerpainting.

I've been making cookies! YAY!

... 8 different types of cookies in 4 hours... yay?

one of them requires color. pink of all colors. why not red, or blue or even green. or the best color in the world. purple!

no, it had to be pink. Oh well, now my hands are a lovely shade of the color, and it won't come off for days!

... maybe i'll stick with the sex slave story.

why does flavored buttercream look like it's curdled. I just about threw away some buttercream that looked like it had curdled until my chef stopped me. thank god!

is panic contagious? I think so, if my class is any indication. My class seems to believe that every day we are in the shop, it's the end of the world. They run around like bloody chickens with their heads chopped off!
heehee blood everywhere! Whee!

why can't people have the foresight to come prepared. to look at what they have to do for that day and make an idea of what needs to go first. it takes 5 minutes. not even. lazy bastards!

ah yes tomorrow is another day of more pink hands.. hmm sex!
[ whistles at sex slave]

Ode to Walmart

oh walmart!
The vastness of random crap people decide they need. Oh place of toys, clothes, cars, and old christmas trees.
... with a semi decent electronics section.

[Scene 1 Act 1]
The place? An aisle coated with plastic beings in a multitude of sizes and shapes.
the characters? Two geeks.

the action? LIGHTSABER FIGHT!!!

you know you are totally awesome when you play with plastic lightsabers, acting like they're real. I lost an arm and gutted my opponent.
and then we threw basketballs at each other.

I'm sure if there was any employees around, I would have been asked to leave.
I'm very tempted to go back and get those lightsabers. If only they had a double ended lightsaber.

... I am geek, Hear me roar!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Argh! Can't get it off of me!

Today I reek like geek! And I can't get it off of me.
...ever get the feeling?

Last night was games night (whoo hoo!) and we played Star Wars (think Dungeons and Dragons.. but Star Wars style). It was so much fun!
My character (Aneena) is someone who I find rather easy to slip into and out of when playing. Which makes all the difference when you make decisions of what your character does.

anywho.. a night of rolling dice (they get everywhere!), and eating corn dogs that can be cooked in a microwave for just a minute and be done. Loads of pop (and beer for whoever isn't driving), and you have a ball... If we could stay focused long enough.

I find that for the first few hours, we are super focused, like this is real and we really are fighting for our lives, and then the bigger the group gets, the more distracted we get!
And our GM (Game Master)? oh... my... freaking... god!
He is the most ADD GM I have ever met! If anyone is distracted, so is he.

And those people who are easily distracted, really don't care enough! When it's their turn they'll say something dumb like " I throw a grenade"


I want to slice-ee their throats and you will give me away! I cannot be ninja bringer of death if you go mucking it up!

I love you very very much! Please come and play! [creepy little girl voice: Play with mmmeeeeee]

To all of you who go to a games group (like me) if all you want to do is lie on the floor and do dick all and not play, PLEASE GO AWAY!

oh god... I really care about a fictional game...

... I is geek.. and I can't get the smell off of me!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Arigato! Aritgato!

Today, I went with my family to the Japanese Village downtown.
It was so much fun, entertaining and delicious.

The chef was a clown! But amazing! juggling spatulas and making big fire (Oog! Cavewoman like fire!).

My fiance's little brother stared so intently at the chef, I think he has found his calling! If he wasn't such a picky eater, I would believe that he was made for those types of arts!
It was like he was watching porn! That each group of food on that grill at our table was a different chick, and he was eye fucking all of them... without touching himself of course!
I mean for god's sake we were in public... not that that has stopped me in the past!

... porn good!

food porn? Even better!

Emotional Pizza! The Best Kind!

So I was surfing the channels the other day, stopped on Geek TV (Squee!)
Watched "Attack of the Show", and they put up this funny little cartoon.


Now I was pretty much pissing myself laughing!

So this morning I decided I would cheer myself up by watching it again. It was still funny.
Hope you enjoyed it!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


So today is the day of a friend's funeral. He committed suicide on tuesday.
Him and I were great friends in high school, but we lost touch after that.
...boy, do I have regrets.

I wish that I had kept contact. I wish that he didn't kill himself. I wish that I sent him the message on facebook (yes, crackbook) that I was meaning to do, I also wish I could go to his funeral.

...It's today... And I was working.

People my age (early 20's p.s) should not be burying their friends, we shouldn't be going to their funerals. We might go to your friend's grandparent's funeral. even their parents. But it somehow seems unatural and unholy to be going to a memorial or viewing of your friend.
I have never done well with death.

It also doesn't help that I also recently tried to kill myself (more about that later, folks).
I feel mighty low that he succeeded where I failed. Not that I want to succeed! I just hope that I don't go out like that. That people say they like me only because I'm dead.

I posted my status (yes, crackbook again) as R.I.P Pie Guy.. and everyone goes "I know how you feel! It's so sad, we were close"
No you bloody were not!
You didn't talk to him everyday, you didnt't go visit him in the hospital the last time he tried to off himself. you didn't care until he was a cold corpse in a square box!

Today, I drove past the place where his funeral was taking place and saw all the cars, getting ready for the procession. I just wanted to cry! I could not be there.
And then...

I had to wear heinous ugly bright yellow shirt! It was for a promotion at the store I work at.
They ordered me an XL
... I'm a medium!

So I felt like total shit, had to work, and looked like a fat-fat!

Don't get me wrong I ain't no twig! I am a very very curvy girl, that people mistake for fat, but it used to be fat. I used to be over 100 lbs more than I am now, but this didn't really help my self esteem.

God has a cruel sense of humor (if he exists)!

Well at least I got a nifty nickname out of it... Pikachu!
My others friends were: Magic school bus, banana in pajama, and bumblebee
I might just go the whole week saying "Pikachu", stay as in tune as I can with the character.

... that might not go very well when talking to customers.
"Where's the Bread?"

... I hope I don't get fired!

My Very First Post

So this is my very first blog post...
Think of it as a running commentary on my life. Of the good and that bad.. and the terribly mundane.
...Well I'll attempt not to be mundane!

So who (or what) is the blog about? Well it's about me, and my adventures. In the modern 21st century, there really isn't a lot that would interest everyone to read about my life. But I would hope that someone would.

I started this blog as a place to write everything that I feel, or see, or think of. A place to put it all into the nothingness that is the internet.

so as a gamer, geek, baker chick who needs a place to put her insanity, this will be my "box" of insanity.
I will put it here.