
Think of this as a running commentary of my life!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing


I ponder about the last week or so, and how terribly busy I have been.

I have succeeded is slaying the monster that is finding a new job! Rolling extreme crit 20's (whoo hoo) I slayed the beast, looted the body and gained plenty of experience and some good cash!

I am now the assistant manager for a location of LaSenza. (Yay! underwear!) I have been training at one location and I ADORE the people there. They all have been understanding as I blunder around, figuring out how to manage and do all the regular duties as well (I rolled a lot of 1 and 3's when learning these new found skills in the last week).

I am also recovering from the solid weekend at the comic expo here in Calgary. The official Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo just passed and it was FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

There was an awesome guest of Leonard Nimoy, and Alina Pete from Weregeek [www.weregeek.com], and many more. I decided to harass Ryan Sohmer (writer of Least I Could Do and Looking for Group) on behalf of Lar Desouza (the artist), who wants to print a poster and more merchandise for the "Least I Could Do" comic, which was much needed!

I took a shit load of pictures of awesome costumes, and one of a girl that I had no idea what she was, but a friend who came with me knew her. So I did the polite thing and took her picture.

oooo...ooo...ooooo SOMEONE DRESSED LIKE THE OLD SPICE GUY! he had an old spice bottle to pose with and everything. I squee'd while taking his picture.

ooo...ooo...oooo and and and and.... I'm going to see Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog here in Calgary. YAY! Captain Hammer! and and and Dr.Horrible!

bad horse, bad horse
he rides across the nation
the thoroughbred of sin
He got the application
That you just sent it

It needs evaluation
So let the games begin
A heinous crime, a show of force
A murder would be nice of course

(by the way if you haven't figured it out, it's the lyrics for the bad horse theme song, the ultimate villain)

In other news, the food crusade starts in a month, and I need some suggestions for other places. I will be posting a listing of all the places that I will be visiting.

the rules?
Not part of a chain
can include coffee places, wine tastings, breakfast, or anything of the sort, that feeds your stomach in any way shape or form
no night clubs, but good pubs with good food are acceptable
nothing with food poisoning records please, this is supposed to be an enlightening experience not the sickening experience.

anywho with much news, I am hoping to update more now that I have settled into my job, and with the food crusade there will be definite food for thought

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