
Think of this as a running commentary of my life!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pokemon and Puffery


I caught some wild pokemon! Right here in the real world. SQUEE!


I caught a wild piplup in the local shopping mall, and a wild chimchar hanging around other pokemon but trapped in a bubble and one other one. The last one I caught a while ago. I caught a wild togipi hanging out in front of someone's house!

The piplup is a DS stylus, the chimchar, a phone key chain and the wild togopi, a large stuffed creature that someone had thrown away. She is big enough to be a pillow and chills on my couch.


It has emerged!!! [the wrappings fall away from the face and body to reveal wrinkled greenish skin and eyes lifeless and staring into space at nothing particular. followed by a smell that is often associated with the stench in the fridge when something is off and dust]

It is me, from the dark world that I get caught in when my addiction of reading subsides for a while. I have been out to the bar, and kept up multiple conversations, and managed to understand all of what people have told me. ooo ooo ooo! and.. played the new pokemone game!

there is a game within the sacredness of the game of pokemon. It includes exploding balls of death and lots of money. It's a good thing I am not a gambler for this game is addicting as hell. Voltorb flip! yay coins. *ouch* [my hair has been singed away and my skin is coming off in chunks due to constant burning] Gee don't I smell wonderful!

Another clue that the creators of this pokemon game were thinking was the little extra that came with the game. it is known at the POKEWALKER. A mini pokeball with a screen and a clip to attach to your belt.
GROWLITH is daydreaming... found item... found 209 watts...
Great! now what do I do with the fucking watts? they won't power my house!

anywho...You can take your pokemon out for a walk when you don't have the time to pull out a portable system.

You can walk around with it and catch other pokemon regardless of levels and strengths: You either hit them or you don't

it encourages all the little fat children to get off their asses and walk. the more steps you take the more cool and rare pokemon you find!

To end off this tirade I have a present for you...

I present to my readers this incredible... wonderful... exciting...sensual...

ooooo shiny ds! Pokemone! Must Play!

... ok I'll tell you next time! Ciao Bellas

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