SO TODAY... (and yesterday)I pondered on my upcoming food crusade.
I know I was slightly vague and maybe not exactly in a selling mood, so it didn't sound very fun, I know.
So I decided that I needed to go into more detail: Set a time, an outline, restrictions, ect.
I decided that I will give myself a year to do this, with school, and work and well... life... that seems to be a pressure to get it done.
I will start June 1st of this year, which gives me till next June, to complete my education.
Any sugestions would be appreciated.
With 69 different places.. none not very close to my house and being a broke student.. whoo hoo! I see dollars slipping out of my pocket considering some of the places. I think 69 is too little for a year. I think that I should do more than 69 places for 365 days. I GIVE THE DECISION TO YOU MY READERS BECAUSE I CARE! SO VOTE DAMMIT!
I guarantee that there will be pictures and posts about other things than the food. Critique will include service , pricing, even decor and atmosphere.
The Food Crusade is about more than just the food and what my taste buds experience. It's about my eyes, ears, nose and smell. And I hope that I can provide some entertaining feedback that may convince you to eat there.
Good Food is Important!
other news?
I've been babysitting sick people for the week. Mostly one, my fiancee.
Fiance: cough, cough, weeze [snot running from his nose, eyes swollen with gunk at the corners] Love you sweetheart
Me: LLllllooovvveee you too [winces, as he kisses me] yes, of course you're still sexy
I love him dearly, but having things seep from all orifices does not exactly make me want to jump you. Oh my, I can see how that would go.
Oh yes, you know all the dirty things I'm gonna do to you. Here let me tie your hands, it's all up to me what you get tonight. Oh yeah, baby. there now you can't use your hands and feet. Now let me slip on this blindfold baby. oh here, let me get you a tissue to blow your nose. I'm just gonna throw it over here. Ick! alright, I'm going to be right back I just have to go get... something... yeah, a feather duster. All for your pleasure baby. You don't have one? Well I guess I have to go get one.
[runs away]
... Here's me running away
I think sixty-nine is still a decent number. It is still at least one restaurant every week of the year. Which is pretty good for a student. I look forward to hearing more about this.
ReplyDeletevery very true! thanks for the input