
Think of this as a running commentary of my life!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Don't Date Vampires, I Kill Them


chickies, I have torn myself away from my books long enough to surf the internet.

I have been engulfed for the last month in the Anita Blake series. Vampire Hunter Extraordinaire.
A small sassy woman who would kick your ass if you give her a reason! ... let's just say some moments I can relate. Except I don't have vampire friends, or am not having sex with 7 guys. 7 handsome sexy guys, or at least that's how they are described.

...hmm... is it bad if I'm a little jealous of a fictional character.

The series itself is nearing 19 volumes. Each with a riveting story and addictive as hell. It's like coke... for my eyes and brain!
My poor fiance is feeling rather neglected since I've read 16 volumes (pretty thick ones at that) in 1 month! Whee! speed reading! I swear I don't only skim, I actually read every word.

in other news...

I have decided to take another year off to work and save money for school.

I've applied for dozens of jobs and I hope at least one of them are successful!

wish me luck kiddies!


I found the swan princess DVD's! I used to watch them almost everyday as a kid.
They are truly pretty terrible.. but I still love them!

others movies I've bought recently:
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Swan Princess 1
Swan Princess 2
Disaster Movie
She's the Man
!3 going on 30
Flight of the Phoenix
Uptown Girls

yes... all but one of them are chick flicks. But I have been denying myself those joys that I've finally allowed myself to purchase them.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, Kidlets!

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