Hello Kid-lets
So I know it has been a lllooonnnnggg time since my last post.
Life has a way of..., you know... stealing you away from your friends and making you miserable and dragging you along shopping and visiting her friends who do nothing but men bash...
... I mean...
there is a surprisingly amount of stuff that happens in what... 9 months.
I am still employed by LaSenza, still an assistant there, still loving my job!
I have becoming surprisingly addicted to Star Wars and my room in my new townhouse is covered with it like some freakish museum.
Fiance is almost done school and on his way for making up for being a money leech on me.
as for the food crusade... It died!
I tried my very best and went to half a dozen places before I realized that supporting my honey through school was not ideal for my wallet to be eating so well. so it has been put on hiatus until further notice.
OooOooOOOooo I am getting a puppy soon! a big fluffy puppy! yayayayayayay!!! SQUUEEE!!!
we found some lovely breeds that are hypo allergenic
On the small amount of food crusading I did, I was introduced to some delicious cheap Vietnamese food that is super addictive.
thanks to a relatively new but already cherished friend (you know who you are!)
man... there is so much to share and not enough space or the brain capacity to make it not boring.
... F! I missed earth hour.
every year a always have the intention of participating and leading up to it, I am like "man, you gotta participate this year.
do it for the environment, man!
and every year... I forget and completely miss it!
I am ashamed of my lack of commitment to the earth...
oh well! *goes back to video games*
Ciao Bellas, we shall meet again soon!