I have plenty to report, My computer has been down since tuesday, so let's pretend we go back in time and it's tuesday.
let's do the time warp again!
[crazy dance]
So tuesday, I unexpectedly had the day off, so I decided to get some errands done! I went to chapter's to get a day timer. Because they have very chick (sh-ee-ck) portable cute daytimers (usually, anyways). Well... they didn't have any daytimers. Apparently May of that year is a bad time to get a day timer for the year we are in.
Go Figure!
anywho, since it is one of my fav stores (you don't want to know how how much I "saved" when my reminder to renew my card comes in), I decided to take a gander around the store. With me was a good friend and my fiance. We found this book that is called "Undateable".
... wtf?
So we flip through it and it was a book about what makes a man "undateable" and if you have nay of these characteristics, you would be considered undateable to sexy single women. The first couple were self explanatory. 1. bad facial hair (teen 'stach, soul patch, food in your big beard) 2. wigger clothes, when you are a upper class white man 3. moobs ect... and then there are a few that I really don't understand. Such as making movie references, or play DnD, and others like it.
... Things like that are a personal choice, I love DnD, I can understand people who don't understand. But hey, that turns my crank that people can strategize and have a big enough imagination to play these kind of games without any visual aids!
I know that not all people get that or are interested, but there are a lot of good looking social people who play DnD! We even group together to play in large groups, in the geek community. with some very attractive people, not just pimply little snot-nosed kids, who wear capes everywhere! but hey they do exist.
So, after being slightly offended (even though it's not directed at, but is trying to tell males what I want apparently), I flipped to the back!
"ugly, but thinks I'm pretty" face with some not so very attractive man who has the smile of a douche bag, like "oh yea... you know you want me"
... uh, NO!!!!
anywho, after getting a good laugh at that stupid bitch, I decided that since I was alone for the night (my lovable fiance was working), I called up two of my guy friends (from my DnD group) and we went to Boston Pizza.
... we only went there because we couldn't decide on a place that had something we all liked
anywho, so I wasn't driving for once and so decided that I would treat myself to an alcoholic drink that I haven't indulged in for a while (it could be because I live with 2 recovering alcoholics hmmm... ) and ordered a cosmo. When it arrived, she said that they taste like ether. my response...
She looked at me funny, and as she walked away, I asked one of my friends.
"I know the video game reference, but what the hell, in the real world, is ether?"
here was his response.
"In Final Fantasy, ether potions increase your mana. In pokemon, it increases your power points (for those who don't understand, that's ok), in the real world, it is a form of the date rape drug!" [his voice, is that of pleasantness, as though he is describing a peaceful happy scene]
... yummy!
momentarily after this little description, a waiter walks by, with a small patch of hair on his jawline, but it is 3 inches to the right of his face from where it's supposed to be...
UNDATEABLE!!!!also, within the same dinner session, both of my friends received a phone call from a person I'm trying to avoid.
at comic con, there was s guest that this person who I wasn't trying to avoid at the time wanted her signature. He gave me his bag and gave me some money to get signed. Problem was, he gave it to me saturday night, and she wasn't there sunday. (AARGH!) So I had every intention of giving him back his bag and money, I had it in my vehicle to give to him.
But instead of texting me or messaging me where we can meet up, he called up my friends and asked them for my address.
... is he planning to rob my house?
No he didn't ask them to tell me to call him, or pass along the message about his bag and money. he essentially harrased my friends and fiance (yes my fiance) for my address!!!
CREEPY!!!Dear Creep,
If I wanted you to know where I lived, I would have told you already.
you are a terribly annoying person, who I have protected to my friends and people who know you, who don't particularily like you, and yet here you prove them right and my wrong that you are just plain creepy and annoyoing.
thank you asshole, Go Fuck Yourself
love truly,